Learning Package on Major Religions in
Regions along the Belt and Road and Global Ethics
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Chapter 2   Features of Major Religions
in the Belt and Road Regions
Key Learning Points
2.1 Elements of Religion
2.2 Features of Major Religions
2.1 Elements of Religion
Sacred Symbols
Religious Beliefs
Religious Communities
Sacred Symbols
Profane and sacred

To some people, many objects in our daily lives provide us with opportunities to experience sacred encounters, for instance, when we see a stone, a bottle of water, a tree, an animal, or when we have supper. When a person experiences sacred encounters (pertaining to or connected with the divine) from a particular medium, the medium is reputed to be a form of "sacredness" and hence it becomes a sacred symbol.

Symbol is sometimes a manifestation of the sacred

The sacred symbols make it possible for people to experience sacredness from the profane. Each religion has its own sacred symbols. Some abstract symbols are known as God, saint, prophet or spirit of superpower. For concrete symbols, to give two examples, the Cross is a representation of Jesus crucified and a talisman purchased from a temple represents a higher power's blessing for believers.

Religious Beliefs
Religious beliefs are built on faith

Religious beliefs refer to people's faith in the sacred and the faith is often blended with devout attitude. People often seek for God's protection because they believe that the supernatural power would help them make a fortune and avoid disaster.

Meaning of religious beliefs

Religious beliefs explain the meaning of life. They also provide directives for how we live in this world and in the afterlife.

Religious Communities
Religious communities maintain their religious beliefs.

Religious communities are gatherings of individuals who adopt common religion, habits, and practices. They adopt the teachings from a specific religious belief; for instance, some communities adopt vegetarianism as a practice of respecting sentient life.

Other Elements
Religious Scriptures
Religious scriptures convey the practices or values of religious traditions. Every religion has its own scriptures, such as the Bible (Christianity), the Quran (Islam), and Daozang (Taoism).
Customs refer to a way of behaving that has been established in many facets of daily life in deference to believers' own religious beliefs. Such as clothing and eating taboos.

Dressing of Muslims

Dressing of Jews

Other Elements
Religious festivals are generally a set of celebrations in honour of God(s) or Saint(s). Followers meet and celebrate together on the day of the festival. They usually worship God(s) and confess their faults during ceremonies or rituals. Easter (Christianity), Sanyuan Jie (Taoism) and Eid al-Fitr (Islam) are some of the popular religious festivals.
Religious Architectures
Mircea Eliade, a religious historian, said that religious architectures represent the center of the universe. Religious people can have sacred experiences with the connected universe. Each religion's architecture has its own unique structure and name, such as a church, a temple, a synagogue, a monastery and a mosque.
Religious Practices
Religious practice is a way of self-observance in accordance with the principles of a religion. Fasting, spiritual reflection, meditation and body cultivation are the ways of various religious practices.
2.2 Features of Major Religions

Do you know the missing features below? Click and answer them.

Features of Christianity
What is Christian building called?
  • Christmas
  • Good Friday
  • Easter
  • Ascension Day
Religious phrase
  • "Hallelujah" (Thanks to our God)
  • "Amen" (So be it; it is so)
Which one is a Christian ritual/activity?
What is a Christian leader called?
Features of Christianity
Which one is the Christian scripture?
  • Believe in one God. Live according to the guideline from the Bible, glorify God with good deeds.
  • Believe that Jesus Christ has fulfilled the Kingdom of God.
  • Believe that human beings rest in peace until eternal life after the Judgement Day.
Sacred symbol
  • Jehovah (God)
  • Jesus (Son of God)
  • Holy Spirit
  • Saints (Saint Mary is venerated in the Catholic Church only)


as a representation of Jesus crucifixion for the whole human race.


Do you know the missing features below? Click and answer them.

Features of Islam
Where did Islam originate from?


  • Eid al-fitr (Festival of Fast Breaking)
  • Eid al-Adha (Sacrifice Feast)
  • al-Mawlid an-Nabī (Birth of the Prophet Muhammad)
Religious phrase
  • "Allah akbar"
    (God is most great)
  • "As-salāmu ʿalayku"(peace be upon you)
What is an Islamic leader called?
Features of Islam
Which one is the Islamic scripture?
  • Believe in one God (Allah).
  • Live according to the guidelines from the Quran, glorify Allah with good deeds.
  • Believe that human beings rest in peace until eternal life after the Judgement Day. Against idolatry.
Sacred symbol
  • Allāh (God)(The portraits of Allah, prophets as well as humans beings and animals are forbidden; It is especially not allowed to use these portraits as home decor.)
  • Prophet Muhammad(the last Prophet)
Crescent Moon and Star

One of the beliefs is that the Crescent moon represents the power of rebirth. The waxing and waning of the moon symbolizes the triumph over evil/adversity of Islam.


Do you know the missing features below? Click and answer them.

Features of Buddhism
Where did Buddhism originate from?
What is the Buddhist place of worship called?
Religious phrase
  • "Shānzhāi, Shānzhāi!"(well-done, good)
  • "Amitābha"(used for greeting or to give affirmation in Mahayana Buddhism)
  • Morning chanting
  • Evening chanting
  • The Eight Mahayana Precepts
  • Meditation
What is a Buddhist leader called?
Features of Buddhism

The Buddhist Canon (Dàzàngjīng) refers to the total body of Buddhist literature. Scriptures that known to people are: Hṛdayasūtra, Prajñāpāramitā- sūtra etc.

  • The believers practise the Buddhist path to liberation and enlightenment. However, people can destroy selfgrasping, thereby liberating themselves from the cycle of uncontrolled rebirth and attaining a state of perfect peace and freedom.
Sacred symbol
  • Gautama Buddha
  • Other Bodhisattvas
The dharmachakra (Wheel of the Dharma)

Turning the profane to sacred, smashing all the worries of mankind. The consummate wheel symbolizes the unobstructed Buddhist teachings.


Understand the Features of Hinduism

Features of Hinduism



Hindu temple


There are over 120 Hindu religious festivals. Most of the festivals may be observed as acts of worship and offerings to deities, such as the Great Night of Shiva.

Religious phrase

There are over 600 dialects in Hindu, the religious phrases vary greatly in different locations, such as Oum, Aum, Ovā Ovā Ovā Um, etc.

  • Puja(worship of Gods)
  • Upanayana(the thread ceremony)
  • Antyeshti(Funeral or Last Rites)
  • Pujari/ Archaka(performing temple rituals)
  • Guru(spiritual preceptor)
Features of Hinduism
  • Vedas
  • Upanishads
  • Mahabharata
  • Bhagavad Gita
  • All creatures are created by Brahman.
  • Hindus believe that existence is a cycle of birth, death, and rebirth, governed by Karma.
  • People could achieve Moksha and enter into eternal life by dedicate his/her life to Gods, family and society.
Sacred symbol

There are a wide variety of Gods in Hinduism. Gods they commonly worshiped are:

  • Brahman
  • Shiva
  • Vishnu
Sanskrit : Aum or Om
(a sacred sound in Hinduism)

The connotations of "Om" vary between the diverse schools within and across the various traditions. One of the symbolic meanings refers to the eternal of the universe.


Understand the Feature of Judaism

Feature of Judaism




  • Sukkot (Feast of Booths)
  • Pesach (Passover)
  • Shvuot (Feast of Weeks)
Religious phrase
  • "Shalom"
    (peace; can be used to mean both hello and goodbye)
  • "Shalom aleichem"
    (peace be upon you)
  • Sabbath
    (the seventh day set aside for rest and worship)
  • Brit milah
    (ritual of circumcision)
  • Bar Mitzvah
    (Jewish coming of age ritual)
  • Rabbi
    (master of Torah, judges in a rabbinical court)
  • Hazzan(a trained vocalist who acts as shatz)
Features of Judaism
  • Torah(namely Hebrew Bible)
  • Midrash
  • Talmud(The basis for all codes of Jewish law)
  • Believe that Jehovah is the only God who created the world.
  • Against idolatry.
  • Comply with The Torah.
  • The Messiah will come for the salvation of Jews and the world.
Sacred symbol
  • Jehovah (God)
  • Abraham (ancestor)
  • Prophets (Judaism believes Moses is the greatest of the prophets)
Star of David

It symbolizes pure new life. Some scholars say that it symbolizes the connection of God, Torah and Israel.


Understand the Feature of Taoism

Feature of Taoism



Taoist Temple
(Gong, Guan or Miao)

  • Laozi Dan (Birthday of Tai-shang Laojun)
  • Sanyuan Jie (rituals for purification and special blessing)
  • "cí bēi" (People will say "cí bēi, master" when they make a request)

Taoist rituals can be classified as zhai (rituals for rescuing dead souls) and jiao (rituals of cosmic renewal), such as:

  • Tai-Ping-Qing-Jiao,
  • Huanglu Zhai.
  • Quanzhen Clergy (Quanzhen monks/nuns typically reside in monasteries)
  • Zhengyi Clergy
    (The priest is mostly married and reside with family)

The Taoist Canon (Daozang) refers to the total body of Taoist literature, which includes: Nanhua Zhenjing (《南華真經》), Baopuzi (《抱朴子》) etc.

  • Tao is the mysterious natural order of the universe.
  • Human beings could get a healthy body, become a moral person, or even could become immortal through practising Taoism.
Sacred symbol

There are many gods in Taoism, such as:

  • San Qing
    (the highest deities of Taoism — Yuanshi Tianzun, Lingbao Tianzun and Daode Tianzun)
  • Other Immortals,
    such as Lü Dongbin

It symbolizes all things are created by Qi (vital energy) from which Yin and Yang originate.

Questions for Reflection
  • Indicate which festival(s) is/are related to religions in Hong Kong? What kind of activities are held to celebrate this/these festival(s)? How is the religious atmosphere during the festival?
  • Compare two or more religious traditions by using one of the religious elements mentioned above. What are the unique features of these religions? (Hint: its local contents, history of the religion)
Do you know...
Religious traditions vary with the history, environment and social development. The Belt and Road Initiative refers to the development strategy launched by China on the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. The Belt and Road Initiative connects East Asia, Central Asia, West Asia, Southeast Asia, Africa and Europe. These districts have different environments, climates, social developments and different religious traditions.

We could understand the religious traditions and the landscapes of humanities with reference to the different religious elements (sacred symbols, beliefs, rituals, religious communities, etc.) in the regions.